Tiago Souza de Resende
Tiago Souza de Resende
Founding Partner
- Criminal Law;
- Administrative Law;
- Sports Law;
- Electoral Law.
- Bachelor of Laws from the Law School of Izabela Hendrix Methodist University Center (LL.B., 2004);
- Specialization degree on Public Law from the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2005);
- Specialization degree on Criminal Science from the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2007);
- Specialist in Economic Criminal Law from the Attorneys’ Institute of São Paulo, in partenership with thje University Pompeu Fabra.
- Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Science;
- Chief Auditor of the 3rd Disciplinary Committee of the Minas Gerais Sports Court;
- Former Professor of Criminal Law at UNA University Center;
- Author of the article “A Liberdade Provisória Como Regra Constitucional” (Provisional Release as a Constitutional Rule), published in the book “Análise de Precedentes Criminais do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, estudos em homenagem à Desembargadora Jane Ribeiro Silva (Examination of Criminal Precedents of the Superior Court of Justice, a Tribute to Justice Jane Ribeiro Silva), 1st Edition, published by Atualizar (2009);
- Member of the Attorneys’ Institute of Minas Gerais.
- English